Corpus Christi, TX 78404


The shortage of affordable, accessible housing in Corpus Christi and the wider Coastal Bend communities since the destruction of Hurricane Harvey is now under further threat by the COVID-19 pandemic. This crisis is having devastating impacts on the health, social and economic wellbeing of all our citizens. Individuals and families with very low incomes are most at risk of eviction and homelessness during this uncertain time.

AHRI remains committed to supporting housing affordability, accessibility, and stability in the midst of this crisis and is in the process of increasing rental assistance support for lowest-income families in the Coastal Bend.

AHRI Rental Assistance Requests 

May 1-May 15 2020

Total requests: 31

Top 3 Counties of request:

  • Nueces- 62% (20 households)
  • San Patricio- 15% (5 households)
  • Victoria- 15% (5 households)
Forms response chart. Question title: What county do you live in?. Number of responses: 32 responses.

Household Size: Half of the households applying for assistance are comprised of three or more persons. 

  • 1 person- 12.5%
  • 2 person- 37.5%
  • 3 or more person-50%
Forms response chart. Question title: How many people are in your household?. Number of responses: 32 responses.

Income: Over 50% of households requesting assistance report an income of less than $20,000. 80% of households requesting assistance report an income of $30,000 a year or less.

Forms response chart. Question title: What is the estimated total current annual income for all members of your household? (include unemployment, but do not include stimulus payments). Number of responses: 32 responses.

Disability: 25% of households report having a person in the home that has a disability.

Forms response chart. Question title: Does anyone in your household have a disability?. Number of responses: 20 responses.

Lost income due to COVID-19: 100% of households requesting assistance have lost a job and/ or experienced other financial hardships as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.* some households reported more than one financial impact

Forms response chart. Question title: What is your financial hardship due to COVID-19?. Number of responses: 32 responses.

Hurricane Harvey and COVID-19-  69% of the households applying for TBRA assistance were also impacted by Hurricane Harvey.

Forms response chart. Question title: Were you impacted by Hurricane Harvey? If so, please tell us how.. Number of responses: 32 responses.

COVID-19 Rental Assistance

AHRI is in the process of obtaining funding to help households who have been financially impacted by the COVID-19 crisis. This funding will provide rental assistance in order to help families avoid eviction.

In order to be considered for this assistance, please follow the link below and complete the request form:


At this time, there is a statewide moratorium on evictions until May 18th, 2020. This means that your landlord cannot file an eviction in court until after that date. This does not mean that rent will not continue to accrue.

For more information on your rights as a renter impacted by the COVID-19 crisis, please visit Texas Rio Grande Legal Aid for up-to-date information.